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Image by Mark Boss


Brescia, Italy

Minister Pablo & Silvina Ruggieri

Pablo and Silvina, are originally from Argentina and have been serving King's Italy-Brescia for several years. 

December 2023 UPDATE


Pedidos de oracion: Por el nuevo año 2024, por crecimiento y por mas obreros. Tambien por el proyecto de el comedor para niños en Venezuela. Muchas Gracias y que Dios los siga bendiciendo. 


Please pray for our church to grow in 2024 and for the Lord to provide more laborers for KC Italy. Also pray for our project of building a kid's lunchroom in Venezuela. Thank you, may God continue blessing you!




Prophetic Conference 2024
Brescia, Italy

Torino, Italy

Mariano & Erika Delmagro

Mariano and Erika, are originally from Argentina and have been married for 14 years. In 2021, they decided to leave everything behind and move to Italy to spread the Gospel and love of Jesus Christ. They are currently holding meetings in the homes of various families, but are trusting the Lord for a building to establish King's Torino!

Prayer Requests (September-October 2023):


  • To open a King's church in our city.


  • For abundant financial provision for our family and for the ministry.


  • Strength, guidance, and wisdom to continue expanding the kingdom of Jesus Christ in this city. 

A new extension for our Italy location, having opened the latter part of 2023! We are excited to receive exciting updates from Kings Valcamonica!





OFFICE: 808-871-7311​


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